Top Seltzer Water Brands to Try in 2023

seltzer water brands

The sun gets hotter, and I want something cold and fizzy to drink. Seltzer water is my go-to – it’s bubbly and fun, perfect for staying hydrated. I love it whether it’s plain or flavored with fruits.

There are so many seltzer water brands out there, each with its own twist. You can find everything from simple club soda to water rich in minerals. Exploring these options is like a bubbly adventure, always looking for the best in taste and bubbles.

Key Takeaways

  • Seltzer water, including flavored and unflavored varieties, can be a refreshing alternative to plain water and sugary drinks.
  • Seltzer water brands offer a wide range of carbonation levels, flavors, and ingredient profiles to cater to diverse preferences.
  • Factors to consider when choosing a seltzer water brand include type, ingredients, sugar content, and overall flavor profile.
  • Exploring the top seltzer water brands can help you find the perfect fizzy companion to quench your thirst and satisfy your cravings.
  • Seltzer water can be a great way to boost hydration, especially for those who struggle to meet their water intake goals from plain water alone.

The Classics Reigned Supreme

Known for their refreshing taste, classic sparkling water brands have stayed popular. They offer choices for everyone. Canada Dry and La Croix are two great examples, each with its own special charm.

Editor’s Choice: Canada Dry Original Sparkling Seltzer Water

Canada Dry’s plain seltzer is a go-to for any event. You can drink it straight, mix it in cocktails, or add bitters and lemon. It has just the right size of bubbly bubbles. This makes it perfect for any use. People say it’s clean, fizzy, and has a touch of citrus. It pairs well with aperitifs like Campari or Faccia Brutto.

The Retro-Cool Experience: La Croix Pure Sparkling Water

La Croix Pure is a top pick, loved for its vintage can look and stiff bubbles. It has an easy neutral flavor many enjoy. People find it lively and fun to drink, with bubbles that last just right. Its mild taste makes it a solid choice alone or with bitters and lemon.

Bubbles Galore: Brands with Intense Carbonation

Among sparkling water brands looked at, Polar Seltzer Original really bubbles up. It might be too much for some but a joy for others. People said Polar seltzer seems “almost foamy” and has a “lovely effervescence.” But, the Polar Seltzer stands out for its aggressive bubbles. These bubbles might be too strong for those with a delicate stomach. Yet, these very bubbles make it perfect for drinks like a Tom Collins or Hibiscus Fizz.

Liquid Death Sparkling Water, however, is different. It has less intense bubbles, being more calm and soft. People thought the Liquid Death seltzer was “premium” and not as fizzy as others, with a “crisp and clean” taste. Its cool can design also makes it more attractive. It’s gentle on the stomach and still has enough bubbles to enjoy.

Bubbles Galore

Mineral and Exotic Flavors

Topo Chico’s sparkling mineral water has lots of small bubbles. They make it feel like it’s lightly tingling in your mouth. This makes the drink enjoyable. The bubbles are so small because they are fine. This makes the drink taste smoother but with less seltzer flavor.

The neutral flavor of Topo Chico makes it a great mixer. It’s perfect in cocktails or with a strong fruit juice. Also, it’s a good match for sparkling wine, like in a Campari Spritz drink.

Unique Flavor Profiles: Sanzo Calamansi

Sanzo Calamansi sparkling water has a bold, tangy taste. It’s like biting into fresh citrus peel. This comes from calamansi, a fruit from the Philippines.

It’s different from other sparkling waters. So, it’s refreshing if you want to try something new. The drink is softly fizzy, letting the unique taste stand out.

The Seltzer Water Brands with Mixed Reviews

The sparkling water from

SodaStream Terra

can change based on the water and filters you use. If your water is hard and tastes like chlorine, the seltzer might not taste good. Users in places like Philadelphia might find it falls flat, saying it tastes like tap water. But, if you have softer, cleaner water like in Yonkers, New York, you might enjoy it more. There, people liked its refreshing taste and noted a hint of mint after.



level is up to you. How long you fizz the water changes the bubbles, making it tough to get the same feel each time.

Perri-nay: Perrier Carbonated Mineral Water

Even with


rich history of making

sparkling mineral water

, the canned drink didn’t win over many. Reviewers said it tasted too metallic and sour. They found it uninteresting too. The


was quite light, with

small bubbles

. People also mentioned a hint of chlorine, making it seem like a pool drink to some.

People’s tastes differ, and while some enjoy more mineral taste, this water didn’t wow most.

seltzer water brands: Exploring New and Niche Options

In the world of sparkling water, classic brands have always been on top. But now, there’s a new wave of innovation. Brands like Sanzo Yuzu and Waterloo Peach are catching the eyes of soda fans and those looking for healthier choices.

Best for Soda Lovers: Sanzo Yuzu

Sanzo Yuzu is perfect for those who love the taste of soda but want to avoid sugar. It’s got a zesty, lemon-lime-like taste that comes from real yuzu and lemon juices. This gives it a unique soda-like flavor without unhealthy ingredients. The light fizz makes it easy to drink, complemented by layers of citrus sensation. It even appeals to people not usually into sparkling water.

Standout Flavor: Waterloo Peach

Waterloo Peach shines because of its amazing peach flavor, which is sweet without sugar and tastes like real fruit. The brand uses real fruit essences and oils to achieve this true peach taste. It has impressed even the most critical tasters, with one saying it reminds them of “peach rings” but without the extra sugar. This intense fruit flavor makes Waterloo Peach a top choice for anyone wanting a true-to-fruit sparkling water.

seltzer water brands


Sparkling water is now a top choice for many people. It offers a fresh taste that’s not as plain as water or as sugary as soda. There are many companies that make sparkling water, each with its own style. You can choose from well-known brands like Canada Dry and La Croix to ones like Polar Seltzer and Sanzo, which have exciting flavors.

Looking for a drink that goes well with cocktails? Or maybe you prefer something that bubbles softly on its own? You could even be searching for a bold, fruity taste. No matter your preference, there’s a sparkling water out there for you. By checking out the different types and thinking about what you like, you’ll find the perfect one for 2023.

The sparkling water market is always growing. With more options, you get to pick what you enjoy the most. These drinks are a healthier and more fun choice than regular sodas and juices. Enjoying sparkling water lets you experience different tastes and bubbles anytime.


What is sparkling water?

Sparkling water is a carbonated drink. It comes in many types, like seltzer, club soda, and mineral water. These can be a tasty change from regular water and are good when you want something bubbly.

How do the different types of sparkling water vary?

Each kind of sparkling water has different things in it. Some have natural sugars or artificial sweeteners. Others may have flavorings, sodium, or even caffeine. Always check the label if you have special diet needs.

What factors are considered when selecting the top sparkling water brands?

When choosing the best brands, we look at the type of water and what’s in it. The amount of sugar and the flavor also matter a lot.

What is the standout feature of Canada Dry’s plain seltzer?

Canada Dry’s plain seltzer has medium bubbles. They aren’t too small or too big, making it perfect for all occasions. It’s great on its own or in cocktails.

What is unique about the La Croix Pure sparkling water experience?

La Croix Pure is known for its cool can design and stiff bubbles. It has a light flavor that goes well with or without extras like bitters. Adding lemon can make it even better.

How does the carbonation level of Polar Seltzer differ from other options?

Compared to others, Polar Seltzer has lots of bubbles. But, this can be too much for some people. It might not be good if you have a sensitive stomach.

What sets Liquid Death Sparkling Water apart from other highly carbonated options?

Liquid Death Sparkling Water is different from Polar Seltzer because it’s not as bubbly. The bubbles are soft but assertive, making it a calm choice among fizzy drinks.

How does the carbonation in Topo Chico Mineral Water contribute to the overall experience?

Topo Chico is known for its gentle bubbles. This creates a unique drinking feel, almost like a light massage. The bubbles are the highlight of the drink.

What makes the Sanzo Calamansi sparkling water unique?

Sanzo Calamansi sparkling water is very tart. It tastes like the rind of freshly picked citrus. This makes it a bold and refreshing choice for something new.

How does the quality of SodaStream Terra’s sparkling water vary?

The quality of SodaStream Terra water changes based on your water source. Some people love it, others not so much. It depends on the quality of your local water.

What were the main criticisms of the canned Perrier sparkling mineral water?

Critics said Perrier in a can tasted metal-like, sour, and boring. Some mentioned it tasted like a swimming pool. Not everyone liked its mineral taste.

What makes the Sanzo Yuzu sparkling water unique?

Sanzi Yuzu sparkling water tastes bright and citrusy. It’s like a lemon-lime soda but with real fruit juice. This satisfies the craving for a fizzy drink without extra sugar.

What stands out about the Waterloo Peach sparkling water?

Waterloo Peach sparkling water tastes very fruity. It’s sweet and satisfying without any sugar added. They use natural fruit essences, which makes the peach taste real.

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