How Seltzer Impacts Your Body:  Top 10 Facts 


Seltzer water helps keep you hydrated, similar to regular water. It's a good option for those who find plain water boring.

Calorie Reduction:

Drinking seltzer can help reduce calorie intake. It often serves as a substitute for higher-calorie and artificial sweetener consumption .

Digestive Benefits

Seltzer can aid digestion, helping with swallowing and relieving constipation . That Can actually help you.

Dental Health:

The acidity in seltzer can erode tooth enamel over time, making teeth more susceptible to decay.

Tin Exposure:

Drinking seltzer from cans might increase your tin levels, which can cause health issues like stomach aches, anemia, and liver and kidney problems.

Skin Health:

Some believe that the minerals in certain seltzer waters can benefit skin health, though more research is needed in this area​.

— Anonymous

Regular consumption of soda is a recipe for chronic health problems, from obesity to diabetes.

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